Copyright © 2023 Stroka produkt d.o.o All Rights Reserved
PERSONAL DATA PROTECTION: The administrator’s statement on personal data processing
At Stroka Business Group, and its parent company Stroka produkt, d.o.o., we are aware of the importance of personal data, and invest special attention and resources in appropriate protection and management of your personal data. The administrator’s statement on personal data processing informs you of all the important facts related to personal data protection. Make sure you read it carefully before providing consent to personal data processing. Stroka Business Group ensures that your personal data shall be processed in accordance with the latest standards and legislation related to personal data protection.
Personal data is any data that pertains to a particular natural person, i.e. an individual, regardless of the format said data are in. These are the data that make it possible for you to be identified.
Examples of personal data: personal identification number (EMŠO), health insurance number, telephone number, vehicle license plate number, personal bank account number, etc.
Special types of personal data are those data on an individual that disclose their racial or ethnic background, political conviction, religious or philosophical belief or membership in a union, and processing genetic data or biometric data for the purpose of unique identification of an individual, data related to health or data related to an individual’s sexual orientation, sex life, data on convictions, etc.
The administrator of personal data is: STROKA PRODUKT d.o.o., Koroška cesta 61A, SI-2360 Radlje ob Dravi, Company registration no.: 5821665000, Tax ID no.: 76455165.
Personal data that we collect with your express approval will be stored in an electronic or physical personal database (depending on the type of obtained personal data), which are all appropriately technically secured, and which can only be accessed by authorized employees of Stroka Business Group.
All personal data you provide is stored in the European Union.
The collected personal data may be managed in a database for personal data until you revoke your approval for personal data processing, or as long as it is necessary to achieve the purpose for which they are processed or until legal limits are reached.
Your personal data is managed, collected and processed exclusively for the legally-specified purposes, and for other purposes, depending on your agreement.
We undertake not to loan or sell your personal data to any third party without a previous notification and without an express written approval.
At Stroka Business Group, and its parent company Stroka produkt, d.o.o., we are aware of the importance of personal data, and invest special attention and resources in appropriate protection and management of your personal data. The administrator’s statement on personal data processing informs you of all the important facts related to personal data protection. Make sure you read it carefully before giving consent to personal data processing. Stroka Business Group ensures that your personal data shall be processed in accordance with the latest standards and legislation related to personal data protection.
What is personal data?
Where will your personal data be stored and for how long?
Collecting, processing and using personal data
Which categories of personal data do we process?
At Stroka Business Group we collect the following types of personal data:
You have the right at any time to revoke the given consent for personal data processing for any or all purposes of personal data processing that you have previously approved.
You have the right to revoke the given consent with a statement revoking the consent for personal data processing which is located below this information.
You may send the Statement for revoking the consent for processing personal data in print to: Skupina, Stroka prudukt d.o.o., Koroška cesta 61A, SI-2360 Radlje ob Dravi or by email to: “Request for deleting personal data” or by using the form below.
If you revoke the consent for personal data processing, the company will delete all the collected personal data and stop processing them immediately.
Revoking the consent for processing personal data does not affect the legality of processing your personal data until you revoke it, nor using your personal data for legally specific purposes.
You have the right to request the administrator to correct or amend any incorrect or incomplete personal data related to you.
You have the right to request the administrator immediately delete any personal data related to you.
In the event of a correction, amendment or deletion of your personal data, the administrator shall immediately inform you of said correction, amendment or deletion.
You have the right to request the administrator limit your personal data processing if they are incorrect, illegal, if the reason for their processing no longer applies or if you submit an objection.
You have the right to request the administrator submit any personal data they are processing in relation to you.
You have the right to request the administrator send any personal data they are processing that relates to you to another administrator.
When your personal data is used for the purpose of informing or direct marketing you may at any time, besides exercising the right to revoking consent, also request the administrator cease to use your personal data for this purpose. When receiving an objection regarding processing data for marketing, the administrator shall immediately cease to process your personal data for the purpose of marketing and informing.
You may request all of these rights on the form which is the appendix to this document. You may submit the request by mail to (insert company address) or by email (insert email address).
You have the right to obtain from the administrator the confirmation as to whether any personal data related to you is being processed, and obtain access to any personal data related to you, and the following information: reason for processing, type of personal data related to you, users of your personal data, planned period for storing personal data, personal data source.
If there is a violation of the protection of your personal data, and in the event there is a probability that such personal data protection violation could result in a high risk of your rights and liberties, we shall immediately inform you of such.
In the event of a violation of personal data protection we shall immediately, and within 72 hours at of learning about the violation of your personal data protection at the latest, inform the appropriate bodies of such.
In the event of a violation of your personal data protection you have the right to submit a complaint against the administrator with the appropriate supervisory body, namely: Information Commissioner, Zaloška 59, SI-1000 Ljubljana or by:
We undertake to process all the collected data only in the scope of the listed purposes of personal data administration or processing and in accordance with the Personal Data Protection Act and other related legislation, as well as the Directive (EU) 2016/679 on protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR).
For any questions, uncertainness, to enforce your rights related to personal data, please turn to the administrator’s contact person at:
Stroka Business Group
Stroka produkt d.o.o.
Koroška cesta 61A,
2360 Radlje ob Dravi
telephone: 02 88 79 780
fax: 02 88 79 773
If you want to know more about privacy settings and cookies and their use on our company’s website, please click here.
If you want us to remove your personal data from our database, you can do this by specifying the request to delete the information using the form below.
Copyright © 2023 Stroka produkt d.o.o All Rights Reserved